Code Ethics & Conduct


Standard Code of Ethics and Conduct

The Missouri Hitmen Code of Ethics has been developed in order to help create an atmosphere of good will and sportsmanship on and off the field in our organization. The Hitmen organization has been constructed out of a love and respect for the game of Baseball. We are all sportsman in this league, who appreciate hard work and dedication to the ideals established to enhance fair play and quality amateur baseball.

Each member of the Missouri Hitmen must agree to this Code before he dons a uniform and plays or participates in a game. We are all required as members of this league to behave as gentleman on and off the field.

The Code of Ethics is developed for the general welfare and betterment of our organization. Those who participate in this League must know that we are a reflection of our family, team and benefactors.

Regulations have been established to deal with those who wish to break their promise to play according to the rules. Implementation of fines and suspensions will take place if a player, manager or coach fails to live by the Code. Those who do not get the message may lose their right to participate in the organization.

Thank you for the time and effort you put into this league. I hope your participation with the Missouri Hitmen is beneficial to you.


Troy D. Ruiz
     Organization President
     Head Gold Coach

Brian Coleman
      Head Coach


As a member of the Missouri Hitmen, I understand that the organization needs my loyalty. It is my goal to support this league with the highest integrity.

• I will be loyal to my league & team at all times.

• I will make every effort to support the ideals established by the Missouri Hitmen.

• I will work with my manager to support the goals established by him.

• At no time during my tenure with the Missouri Hitmen will I play for any other team or League with the intention of denying my team 100% dedication.

• I am a player with the Missouri Hitmen first.

• I will make every effort to be in attendance at all of my Missouri Hitmen games. If I am unable to make a game, I will communicate my whereabouts to my manager.

• I understand that league and team organizers put a great deal of time, energy and funding into my team. I will support their efforts at all times.

• If the time comes that I wish to move to another team or league, I will make every effort to communicate my intentions to my manager.

• In conclusion: I will make every effort to support my team -- in doing so I will protect the INTEGRITY of the Missouri Hitmen & the GAME.


As a member of the Missouri Hitmen, I understand that I am part of a fellowship of teams that are organized to promote quality youth baseball in the St. Louis and St. Charles Area. As a member of the Missouri Hitmen, I understand that I must be respectful to the GAME, the league & my team. My objective is to be a winner. I will be a winner on the field by presenting myself like a gentleman.

• During my tenure with the Missouri Hitmen, I promise to play by the rules established by the Board & Membership. I will conduct myself with class & dignity on and off the field.
• It is important for me to show respect to league officials at all times.
• I will never abuse an official on or off the field.
• I will never berate or abuse a teammate or opponent.
• My time in this organization will be spent honing my baseball skills.
• I will dress and behave like a baseball player during games.
• I will be in full uniform on the field for games.
• Putting on the “uniform” will remind me of my responsibilities to respect myself and others at all times.
• I will never do anything to disgrace the game or my uniform.
• I will strive to play hard, but never play to injure another physically or mentally.
• I know others look upon me as a symbol of the Missouri Hitmen & the GAME.
• I will strive not to use abusive language during a game.
• I will make every effort to keep my temper under control at all times.
• I will not toss bats or helmets around the field in a show of disgust.
• I will not taunt opponents or umpires during the course of a game.
• I understand the consumption of alcoholic beverages is against the law at parks where the Missouri Hitmen holds permits to play.
• I understand the use of illegal drugs is against the law and I will not take any drug that is not prescribed for me by a trained physician. I further understand the use of enhancement drugs is harmful and also is against the law.
• I will not send abusive emails or make abusive phone calls to the league “office”. If I have a complaint about the league, I will conduct myself in a professional manner and call the League President – identify myself and make an effort to resolve any problem I have in a gentlemanly manner.

·         Coaches are to wear the assigned jersey top and team hat given to them by the organization to ALL games.  They may also wear any assigned team pull-over or hitting jacket if ALL coaches agree to it prior to the start of a game.  Coaches are to wear either khaki shorts or pants to ALL games, NO EXCEPTIONS!  We will not wear jeans, gym shorts, or any other type of bottoms unless otherwise notified by the organization.  During scheduled practices, coaches are to wear their team assigned practice t-shirt and ANY style of shorts or pants given common sense.  We are to look uniform at all times.


As a member of the Missouri Hitmen, I will strive to be a GOOD SPORT! It all begins with me. My actions on and off the field must reflect the ideals of sportsmanship and fair play.

CIVILITY: I will be gracious in victory as well as in defeat.
FAIRNESS: I will observe the spirit and letter of the rules established by the Missouri Hitmen.
RESPONSIBILITY: I will take charge of my words and actions.
RESPECT: I will acknowledge good efforts by opponents and teammates.
COURAGE: I will have the HEART to do the right thing!


The Missouri Hitmen organization has established methods to deal with those who fail to comply with the Code of Ethics and Rules and Regulations. It is the duty of the League President to investigate any issues during the season. If the President’s Team is involved in such actions the duty is passed along to the next superior coach.


An umpire may eject players, managers and coaches from a game in process. Ejections may also be registered after a contest if necessary.

Ejections will take place as a last resort to control behavior. Efforts will be made by the umpires to be mindful that we are all humans and sometimes things are said and done mindlessly. If the umpire feels an ejection is necessary the player, coach or manager must leave the playing field. If that does not occur, further actions may need to be taken after the game.

• Umpires will be asked to call the League Information Line and leave a report of all ejections. He may also feel comfortable sending an email to the President.

• Anyone ejected from a game may be suspended pending management decision as to the nature of the ejection. There is no ejection appeal.


·         All fans of Missouri Hitmen players are considered to be under the control of the organization before, during, and after the contest. 

·         If any fan acts unruly or out of bad nature, it will be the responsibility of the players family for which that fan is connected, to get the situation under control. 

·         It is not the coach’s responsibility to address any problems resulting from fans, but if needed the coach may address that fan using common sense to dilute the problem.

·         If a fan poses a serious problem during a contest, it may result in the ejection of the Head Coach until the issue is resolved. We DO NOT want this to happen.


All umpires must file verbal reports after the game of all ejections. A situation may warrant a suspension of a player, coach, or manager.

• Ejections DO NOT warrant an automatic suspension!

• Suspensions will be determination by the organization after it hears or reads the umpires report and consults with all managers.

• The organization will make a written report of his findings to the following individuals:
o The player or coach in question.
o The Umpire Assigner.
o The managers who will face the team in question while the player is under suspension.
o No other parties will be informed by email unless the person suspended has been ejected for an extended period of time or for the remainder of the season. An email will be sent to Membership only about this issue.
o Anyone suspended for 3 games or more may file an appeal of the President’s decision. Single or two game suspensions are not subject to appeals.

Code of Ethics Waiver Sheet

Please fill this out and return it to any coach or manager to be filed with all other documentation of player or coach.

________________________________________Missouri Hitmen:          Gold           Silver______
Player Printed Name                                                                             Team (circle one)

_______________________________________________________(___  _)____   -___________
Parent Printed Name                                                                            Telephone number
Signature                                                                                               Date

_______________________________________________________(___  _)____   -___________
Coach Printed Name                                                                             Telephone number
Signature                                                                                               Date

(By signing above you are agreeing to adhere to the above listed code of team ethics and conduct and thus for entering yourself into a binding contract between the above stated individual and the Missouri Hitmen Organization.)